
Foutse khomh

Welcome to my home page, I am Foutse Khomh!

"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing."

--Werner von Braun--

View Foutse Khomh's profile on LinkedIn co-net

I'm General co-chair of FSE 2026, SANER 2025, and General chair of SCAM 2020, SANER 2020, ICPC 2018.

I'm program co-chair of the SSBSE 2024, ICPC 2019, PROMISE 2019, ICSME 2018, SCAM 2015.

I'm deputy conference chair for the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), May 2019, Montreal, Canada.

I'm Area Chair of AI and SE at ICSE 2024.

I'm on the program committees of ICSE 2025, FSE 2025, ICST 2025, FSE 2024, ASE 2024, SANER 2024, MSR 2024, ICPC 2024, FORGE 2024, ICSE 2023, FSE 2023, SANER 2023, ICPC 2023, MSR 2023, EASE 2023, ASE 2023, ASE 2022, ICSME 2022, SANER 2022, CAIN 2022, ICSE 2022, ICPC 2022, IWSC 2022, IWOR 2022, ESEC/FSE 2021, ICSME 2021, SCAM 2021, ICPC 2021, MSR 2021, WAIN 2021, DeepTest 2021, IWSC 2021, SERP4IoT 2021, ESEC/FSE 2020, ICSME 2020, EASE 2020, EVOKE CASCON 2020, SANER 2019, MSR 2019, IWESEP 2019, IWSC 2019, MAINT 2019, EASE 2019 - Short papers, ASE 2018 Doctoral Symposium, CASCON 2018, IWESEP 2018, CNAX 2018, FiCloud 2018, AffectRE 2018, SANER 2018, MSR 2018, SCAM 2018, PROMISE 2018, EASE 2018--Short Papers, ICSOFT 2018, ESEM 2017, WAMA 2017, IWSC 2017, MaLTeSQuE 2017. Please consider to submit papers on your latest work.

I'm on the Editorial Board of IEEE Software. I'm responsible for Software Maintenance, please send us your papers!

I'm on the Editorial Board of Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, please send us your papers!

I'm on the Editorial Board of Software Quality Journal, please send us your papers!

I'm on the ACM TOSEM Board of Distinguished Reviewers. Please send us your papers!

I'm on the Editorial Board of the EMSE Journal. Please send us your papers!

Postdocs: If you are interested in a post doc position in my lab, please e-mail me your CV and a description of research interests and experience. Graduate students please read here.

For Consulting, Startups, Industry Collaboration, or Work as an Expert Witness: contact me via email.

Students: If you are interested in joining the NSERC CREATE SE4AI, please apply here : https://se4ai.org/apply

We are organising a hands-on tutorial on AI Quality Assurance at the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2022), please consider attending! Our tutorial flyer is available here!


