Welcome to my home page, I am Foutse Khomh!
"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing."
--Werner von Braun--
I'm General co-chair of FSE 2026, SANER 2025, and General chair of SCAM 2020, SANER 2020, ICPC 2018.
I'm program co-chair of the SSBSE 2024, ICPC 2019, PROMISE 2019, ICSME 2018, SCAM 2015.
I'm deputy conference chair for the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), May 2019, Montreal, Canada.
I'm Area Chair of AI and SE at ICSE 2024.
I'm on the program committees of ICSE 2025, FSE 2025, ASE 2025, ICST 2025, ICSME 2025, FSE 2024, ASE 2024, SANER 2024, MSR 2024, ICPC 2024, FORGE 2024, ICSE 2023, FSE 2023, SANER 2023, ICPC 2023, MSR 2023, EASE 2023, ASE 2023, ASE 2022, ICSME 2022, SANER 2022, CAIN 2022, ICSE 2022, ICPC 2022, IWSC 2022, IWOR 2022, ESEC/FSE 2021, ICSME 2021, SCAM 2021, ICPC 2021, MSR 2021, WAIN 2021, DeepTest 2021, IWSC 2021, SERP4IoT 2021, ESEC/FSE 2020, ICSME 2020, EASE 2020, EVOKE CASCON 2020, SANER 2019, MSR 2019, IWESEP 2019, IWSC 2019, MAINT 2019, EASE 2019 - Short papers, ASE 2018 Doctoral Symposium, CASCON 2018, IWESEP 2018, CNAX 2018, FiCloud 2018, AffectRE 2018, SANER 2018, MSR 2018, SCAM 2018, PROMISE 2018, EASE 2018--Short Papers, ICSOFT 2018, ESEM 2017, WAMA 2017, IWSC 2017, MaLTeSQuE 2017. Please consider to submit papers on your latest work.
I'm on the Editorial Board of IEEE Software. I'm responsible for Software Maintenance, please send us your papers!
I'm on the Editorial Board of Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, please send us your papers!
I'm on the Editorial Board of Software Quality Journal, please send us your papers!
I'm on the ACM TOSEM Board of Distinguished Reviewers. Please send us your papers!
I'm on the Editorial Board of the EMSE Journal. Please send us your papers!
Postdocs: If you are interested in a post doc position in my lab, please e-mail me your CV and a description of research interests and experience. Graduate students please read here.
For Consulting, Startups, Industry Collaboration, or Work as an Expert Witness: contact me via email.
Students: If you are interested in joining the NSERC CREATE SE4AI, please apply here : https://se4ai.org/apply
We are organising a hands-on tutorial on AI Quality Assurance at the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2022), please consider attending! Our tutorial flyer is available here!
- 03-Mar-2025: Foutse has been awarded the 2025 IEEE CS TCSE New Directions Award alongside Pr. Lei Ma for "outstanding vision, leadership, and collaboration in establishing and advancing the field of trustworthy assurance for data-driven software systems."
- 27-Feb-2025: Foutse has been awarded an NDSS Security and Privacy in Standardized IoT Distinguished Paper Award for the paper entitled "IoT Software Updates: User Perspectives in the Context of NIST IR 8259A".
- 20-Dec-2024: Revue PLAN of Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec published a profile on me: "Précurseur de la fiabilité en IA" (in french). Happy reading
- 25-Jul-2024: Foutse has been awarded the AHFE 2024 Best Paper Award for the paper entitled "Validation of Vigilance Decline Capability in A Simulated Test Environment: A Preliminary Step Towards Neuroadaptive Control". This is a joint work with our industry partners: Bombardier, CAE, and Thales.
- 14-Jun-2024: I have been awarded a Canada Research Chair Tier 1 on Trustworthy Intelligent Software Systems. You can read more about the chair here
- 29-May-2024: Foutse has been awarded the prestigious Honoris Genius — Recherche ou enseignement du génie of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ).
- 23-May-2024: Our paper GitHub Copilot AI Pair Programmer: Asset or Liability? is the winner of the 2023 Journal of Systems and Software (JSS) Best Paper of the Year Award.
- 03-Apr-2024: Foutse received Distinguished Reviewer Awards at FORGE 2024 and FSE 2024.
- 12-Dec-2023: Foutse has been awarded a Best Paper Award from the IEEE Computer Society for the paper entitled "Software-Engineering Design Patterns for Machine Learning Applications".
- 01-Nov-2023: Foutse has been awarded the prestigious Arthur B. McDonald Fellowship.
- 07-Oct-2023: CIFAR has highlighted some of our work on Responsible AI : Happy reading
. The French version is here : Bonne lecture
- 06-Oct-2023: Foutse has been appointed Scientific Co-Director – Scientific and International Activities at IVADO.
- 28-Apr-2023: Our R3AI project to develop robust, reasoning, and responsible AI and its adoption has just been awarded a $124.5M grant from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund!
- 17-Nov-2022: We received the ADRIQ-RSRI 2022 Innovation Award, for our project ADIMOR in collaboration with GHGSAT and INO.
- 09-Aug-2022: I have joined NSERC's Computer Science Evaluation Group (EG1507) as section chair, for a 3 years term.
- 04-April-2022: Curious about what we do for Trustworthy AI? Check out my interview (in french) in Polytechnique Magazine : Happy reading
- 06-Dec-2021: I have been awarded a Canada CIFAR AI Chair on Trustworthy Machine Learning Software Systems. The official announcement from CIFAR is available here
- 01-Nov-2021: Catherine Flores published a profile (in french) on me in Polytechnique Magazine : Happy reading
- 30-Jul-2021: Curious about what drives me? Here is an interview given in the context of my CS-Can/Info-Can Award: Happy reading
- 10-June-2021: Our NSERC CREATE SE4AI : A Training Program on the Development, Deployment and Servicing of Artificial Intelligence-based Software Systems, is now officially launched! For more information on the program, please visit: https://se4ai.org/
- 12-Feb-2021: Our 2011 paper entitled "An Empirical Study of the Impact of Antipatterns, Blob and Spaghetti Code, on Program Comprehension" received an IEEE TCSE Most Influential Paper (MIP) Award at SANER 2021.
- 02-Feb-2021: Foutse has joined the Quebec government's "Commission de l’éthique en science et en technologie" working committee on the impact of the deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in organisations.
- 17-Nov-2020: Our multi-millions 2020 Innovation Fund CFI grant for building a large Intelligent Cyber Value Chain Network (CĒOS Net) across six Quebec Universities has been funded!
- 22-Sep-2020: Our paper entitled "Why Are Some Bugs Non-Reproducible? An Empirical Investigation using Data Fusion" received an IEEE TCSE Distinguished Paper Award at ICSME 2020.
- 09-Jul-2020: Foutse has joined the Editorial Board of Wiley's Journal of Software: Evolution and Process.
- 18-Mar-2020: Foutse has been awarded a CS-Can/Info-Can Outstanding Young Computer Science Researcher Prize for 2019.
- 20-Feb-2020: Foutse has been reelected for a second term and elected chair of the steering committee of the IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER).
- 17-Feb-2020: Foutse has been elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior member.
- 28-Jan-2020: Foutse has been promoted to the rank of Full Professor.
- 27-Jan-2020: I discuss the recent 2020 NOVIPRO/Léger IT report on the Canadian Industry in this interview with Radio-Canada.
- 26-Nov-2019: I discussed our work on copying code from Stack Overflow in this interview and also here!
- 07-Nov-2019: Our work on using Machine Learning to create reviews of APIs from Stack Overflow comments is featured on the Stack Overflow blog and in the news!
- 31-Oct-2019: Joined the selection committee of the “Chaires IA” 2019 program of Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) in France.
- 30-Oct-2019: Our paper entitled "Behind the Scenes: Developers' Perception of Multi-language Practices" won the Best Student Paper Award at CASCON x EVOKE 2019.
- 22-Oct-2019: I have been appointed to the board of directors of Presses internationales Polytechnique Inc.
- 04-Oct-2019: Our empirical study of C++ Vulnerabilities in Crowd-Sourced Code Example is trending in the news!
- 20-Sep-2019: I have been appointed to the NSERC Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) Selection Committee for Computer, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.
- 31-Aug-2019: I received an Excellence Research Award from the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ).
- 10-Jul-2019: I have been elected to the steering committee of the International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR).
- 26-May-2019: I have been elected chair of the steering committee of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC).
- 02-May-2019: I have been elected to the academic council of Polytechnique Montreal.
- 16-Apr-2019: I have been awarded a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s (NSERC’s) Discovery Accelerator Supplements (DAS) grant.
- 27-Feb-2019: I have been awarded the FRQ-IVADO Research Chair on Software Quality Assurance for Machine Learning Applications.
- 10-Jan-2019: Our 2009 paper entitled "An Exploratory Study of the Impact of Code Smells on Software Change-proneness" will receive an IEEE TCSE Most Influential Paper (MIP) Award at SANER 2019.
- 01-Oct-2018: Our paper entitled "Just-in-time Detection of Protection-Impacting Changes on WordPress and MediaWiki" won the Best Student Paper Award at CASCON 2018.
- 26-Sep-2018: Foutse has been elected to the steering committee of the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME).
- 17-Sep-2018: Our 2008 paper entitled "Is it a Bug or an Enhancement? A Text-based Approach to Classify Change Requests" received a Most Influential Paper (MIP) Award at CASCON 2018.
- 27-May-2018: Foutse has been elected to the steering committee of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC).
- 03-Jan-2018: Our 2008 paper entitled "Do design patterns impact software quality positively?" received a Most Influential Paper (MIP) Award at SANER 2018.
- 01-Jan-2018: Foutse got a paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.
- 25-Sep-2017: Foutse got papers accepted to IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering and Empirical Software Engineering journal.
- 21-Sep-2017: Our paper entitled "Is It Safe to Uplift This Patch? An Empirical Study on Mozilla Firefox" received an IEEE TCSE Distinguished Paper Award at ICSME 2017.
- 18-July-2017: Foutse got papers accepted to the Automated Software Engineering journal, the Journal of Systems and Software, the Software Quality Journal, and the Journal of Empirical Software Engineering.
- 18-July-2017: Foutse got papers accepted at SANER 2017, ICST 2017, ICPC 2017, QRS 2017, MSR 2017, PROMISE 2017, ICSME 2017, and ASE 2017.
- 24-Feb-2017: Foutse has been elected to the steering committee of the IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER).
- 14-Feb-2017: Foutse has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor.
- 23-Nov-2016: Foutse got 2 papers accepted at SANER 2017.
- 15-Jun-2016: Papers accepted at ICPC 2016, QRS 2016, ICSME 2016, ICSOC 2016, and ISSRE 2016.
- 27-May-2016: Foutse got 3 papers accepted to the Software Quality journal and the Journal of Systems and Software.
- 05-April-2016: Foutse received the Best Graduate Studies Teacher Award in Computer and Software Engineering at the "Gala Méritas de l'Association des étudiants des cycles supérieurs de Polytechnique (AÉCSP)".
- 17-Dec-2015: Foutse got 5 papers accepted at the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER 2016).
- 14-Dec-2015: Our technical briefing on Software Analytics has been accepted at ICSE 2016.
- 30-Oct-2015: 2 papers accepted at the 34th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference.
- 28-July-2015: 2 papers accepted in the Springer's Journal of Empirical Software Engineering.
- 25-May-2015: Papers accepted at SANER 2015, QRS 2015, PROMISE 2015, ESEM 2015, and HPCC 2015
- 18-Nov-2014: Our paper entitled "Investigating the Change-proneness of Service Patterns and Antipatterns" won the Best Paper Award at SOCA 2014.
- 25-Oct-2014: Foutse got a paper accepted in the special issue "Application of Workflows in Business Process Management" of the International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management.
- 28-Sept-2014: Foutse attended SCAM 2014 and ICSME 2014 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
- 21-Sept-2014: Foutse got a paper accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2014).
- 18-Sept-2014: Foutse attended ESEM 2014 in Turin, Italy.
- 12-Sept-2014: Foutse got a paper accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2014).
- 05-Aug-2014: Foutse got a paper accepted for publication in the Springer's Journal of Empirical Software Engineering.
- 04-Aug-2014: Foutse got a paper accepted at SCAM 2014.
- 22-July-2014: Foutse got a paper accepted for publication in the Springer's Journal of Empirical Software Engineering.
- 20-July-2014: Foutse got a paper accepted at QSIC 2014.
- 22-Jun-2014: Foutse got a paper accepted at ICSME 2014.
- 31-May-2014: Foutse attended MSR 2014, SEAMS 2014, ICPC 2014, and ICSE 2014 in Hyderabad, India.
- 12-May-2014: Foutse got 3 papers accepted at ESEM 2014.
- 11-Apr-2014: Foutse attended RELENG 2014 in Montain View, California, USA.
- 19-Feb-2014: Foutse got a paper accepted for publication in the Wiley's Journal of Software: Evolution and Process.
- 30-Jan-2014: Foutse got a paper accepted for publication in the Springer's Journal of Empirical Software Engineering.
- 30-Jan-2014: Foutse got a position paper accepted in Dependable and Secure Cloud Computing Architecture @ the 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2014).
- 13-Jan-2014: Our proposal for a Special Issue on Release Engineering in IEEE Software has been accepted!
- 12-Nov-2013: Foutse got a paper accepted at the IEEE CSMR/WCRE 2014 Software Evolution Week.
- 16-Oct-2013: Our WCRE 2013 paper on the Relationship Between Anti-patterns Dependencies and Fault-proneness has been invited to a special issue of the journal Empirical Software Engineering.
- 14-Oct-2013: Foutse attended WCRE 2013 in Koblenz, Germany.
- 22-Sept-2013: Our ICSM 2013 paper On Rapid Releases and Software Testing has been invited to a special issue of the journal Empirical Software Engineering.
- 22-Sept-2013: Foutse attended SCAM 2013, and ICSM 2013 in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
- 06-Aug-2013: Foutse got 3 papers accepted at WCRE 2013.
- 13-June-2013: Foutse got 3 papers accepted at ICSM 2013.
- 18-May-2013: Our MSR 2013 paper on bug localization has been invited to a special issue of the journal Empirical Software Engineering.
- 18-May-2013: Foutse attended MSR 2013, RELENG 2013, and ICSE 2013 in San Francisco, California, USA.
- 15-Mar-2013: Foutse got 2 papers accepted at MSR 2013.
- 15-Mar-2013: Foutse got a paper accepted for publication in the Wiley's Journal of Software: Evolution and Process.
- 20-Feb-2013: The website of the SWAT research group is now online. If you are a student interested in pursuing a Master's or PhD degree with me at SWAT, please contact me.
- 08-Feb-2013: Our WCRE 2012 paper entitled "An Empirical Study of the Effect of File Editing Patterns on Software Quality" has been invited to a special issue of the Wiley Journal of Software: Evolution and Process.
- 17-Dec-2012: Our paper entitled "A Concept Analysis Approach for Guiding Users in Service Discovery" was runner-up for the Best Paper Award at SOCA 2012.
- 1-Dec-2012: Foutse is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer and Software Engineering at Ecole Polytechnique of Montréal.
- 29-Nov-2012: Our proposal for an International Workshop on Release Engineering (RELENG) has been accepted at ICSE 2013.
- 04-Nov-2012: Foutse presented his work at CSER 2012 and attended IBM CASCON 2012 in Toronto.
- 16-Oct-2012: Foutse won the best reviewer award at WCRE 2012.
- 15-Oct-2012: Foutse got 2 papers accepted at SOCA 2012.
- 11-Oct-2012: Foutse is the new chair of the tool track at the 13th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM) to be held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
- 25-Sept-2012: Foutse presented his 2 papers at ICSM 2012 in Riva del Garda, Italy.
- 23-Sept-2012: Foutse attended SCAM 2012 in Riva del Garda, Italy.
- 14-Aug-2012: Foutse got 4 papers accepted at WCRE 2012.
- 14-Aug-2012: Foutse's MSR 2012 paper on release engineering has been invited to a special issue of the journal Empirical Software Engineering.
- 20-June-2012: Foutse got 2 papers accepted at ICSM 2012.
- 03-June-2012: Foutse presented his paper at MSR 2012.
- 02-June-2012: Foutse attended MSR 2012 and ICSE 2012 in Zurich, Switzerland.
- 16-Mar-2012: Foutse got a paper accepted at MSR 2012.
- 06-Nov-2011: Foutse attended CSER and CASCON 2011 in Toronto, Canada.
- 12-Oct-2011: Foutse's ICSM 2011 paper on clones has been invited to a special issue of the Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution, Research and Practice (JSME).
- 26-Sept-2011: Foutse presented his papers at ICSM 2011.
- 07-Aug-2011: Foutse got a paper accepted at WCRE 2011.
- 14-July-2011: Foutse presented his paper at QSIC 2011 in Madrid, Spain.
- 13-June-2011: Foutse got 3 papers accepted at ICSM 2011.
- 27-May-2011: Foutse graduated on the Dean's Honour List.
- 21-May-2011: Foutse attended MSR 2011 and ICSE 2011 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
- 11-April-2011: Foutse got a paper accepted at ICWS 2011.
- 15-Mar-2011: Foutse got a paper accepted at QSIC 2011.
- 02-Mar-2011: Foutse, Marwen, Yann, and Giulio won the Best Paper Award at CSMR 2011.
- 13-Dec-2010: Foutse attended the RIM Research Day in Waterloo.
- 29-Nov-2010: Foutse got a paper accepted for publication in Springer's Journal of Empirical Software Engineering.
- 29-Nov-2010: Foutse got a paper accepted at CSMR'11.
- 25-Nov-2010: Foutse got a paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Systems and Software.
- 31-Oct-2010: Foutse attended CSER'10 and CASCON'10 in Toronto, Canada.
- 18-Sept-2010: Foutse attended PROMISE'10, SCAM'10, and ICSM'10 in Timisoara, Romania.
- 01-Sept-2010: Foutse started a Research Fellow position at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada.
- 31-Aug-2010: Foutse defended his Ph.D thesis at the University of Montreal and has been recommended for The Dean's Honor List.
- 28-July-2010: Foutse got a tool demo accepted at ICSM'10.
- 09-July-2010: Launching online of our portal SQUANER, a framework for monitoring the quality of object-oriented systems.
- 14-Dec-2009: Foutse got papers accepted at CSMR'10 and QUATIC'10.
- 24-Nov-2009: Foutse, Yann, Julien and Wei won an award at the 12 edition of Entrepreneurship & Inovation, with their spin-off TOHVOK, the competition was held by Centre Entrepreneurship HEC-POLY-UDeM, Montreal, Canada.
- 19-Oct-2009: Foutse visited the Triskell research team at IRISA/INRIA Rennes, France.
- 13-Oct-2009: Foutse presented his papers at WCRE'09 in Lille.
- 23-Sept-2009: Foutse's QSIC'09 paper has been invited for the special issue of the Journal of Systems and Software.
- 22-Sept-2009: Foutse presented a paper at ICSM'09 in Edmonton.
- 20-Sept-2009: Foutse attended SCAM'09 in Edmonton.
- 22-July-2009: Foutse got 3 papers accepted at WCRE'09.
- 28-May-2009: Foutse got papers accepted at QSIC'09 and ICSM'09.
- 16-May-2009: Foutse attended MSR'09, PROMISE'09, ICPC'09, and ICSE'09.
- 25-April-2009: Foutse presented a poster at CSER'09.
- 30-Oct-2008: Foutse presented a paper at CASCON'08.
- 21-July-2008: Foutse and Yann got a paper accepted at CASCON'08.
- 16-June-2008: From Monday, the 16th of June 2008, Foutse joined Yann at the Department of Computer and Software Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal.
- 03-April-2008: Foutse presented his paper at CSMR'08 in Athens.
- 18-Dec-2007: Foutse got a paper accepted at CSMR'08.
- 16-Nov-2007: Foutse and Naouel got a paper accepted at LMO'08.